Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lies Jonathon aka Andrew told

For a number of years I’ve followed a blog called 4th Avenue Blues, written by Jonathon aka Andrew. I’ve read about his problems with his father, his interesting relationship with his mother and the women he at one point or another had in his life.
I’ve never judged him, many times when I saw discrepancies in his story I did not bother to question his honesty, because I felt bad for the mental illness he suffered from.
Over the years readers have noticed lies, holes in stories, but let it be. For a long time he has complained about The Homeless guy Kevin, his antics and ways of getting money. I did not judge Andrew nor his opinion, he always said it was unfair of Kevin to monitor what people could post on his blog. Andrew, who always pretended to welcome all opinions, has done exactly what Kevin did. He monitors comments now, and unless they are positive he will not let them get through.
There are people that are pissed off buy this, and by Andrew’s lies. Yes, lies.

Remember the lovely red head Andrew met on a dating website for mentally ill people? The one whose father supported her while she went to college? The one that Andre’s family and Charlie just loved?  You see ladies and gentleman, Andrew did not have a relationship with Lori, and in fact Lori does not even exist! Lori is a fake, figment of Andrew’s imagination.

Lori is in fact a woman named Heather, whom Andrew met on a gaming site years ago, and has since stalked online. Andrew and Heather are not friends, not on facebook and they had not kept in touch after meeting on a gaming site many years ago.  Jonathon aka Andrew has stalked Heather’s photbucket and facebook page, pulling her pictures from both sites and posting them on his blog, claiming this was the woman named Lori whom he was now dating and falling for.

As it turns out, a few smart people did an image search and actually found out the truth about Lori or Heather. When Andrew was confronted with this he made his blog invite only, and continued with the charade and lies. He did not care that he had labelled poor Heather with mental illness, he did not care how this could affect Heather’s career or her relationship. All he cares about was the comments he would receive on his blog.

People were happy Andrew had met someone, people were happy he had a partner, and when people found out they were lied to, a rift was created.
We have people like Rita Mosquita, an absolutely terrible woman that keeps mentioning the blogger Dooce, whom she knows nothing about that it’s laughable she is looking up to one of the worst bloggers in blogging history.

Andrew has demonstrated his opinion on what he did. He doesn’t give a shit that he lied. He did not even address what he did, nor did he contact Heather to apologize for labelling her with mental illness and for stealing her pictures. When confronted about the lies, he made up more lies and this time he claimed he made a mistake because he felt his blog was boring. I suppose that’s what people do these days when a blog is boring; they make up lies and try to hurt other people.
Once people had enough of his lies he thought he was smarter than the rest of us and said, he really did meet a woman on the dating site and her name was Colleen.  The kicker? Heather’s sister’s name is COLLEEN!

Andrew does not stop with the lies. He just makes more elaborate ones.

He made us believe he was buying Lori gifts for Valentine’s day, that she was throwing him birthday parties, and coming over because she missed him or begging him to go to her place because she was just going through a hard time. It was all lies. None of it happened. Heather lives in NY State with her fiancé, and after learning about the lies Andrew created she asked him to contact her and take her pictures down.
As of today he is yet to take her pictures off his blog.

This blog is created so people can express their true opinion without having comments monitored by Andrew, and without having people like Rita spewing her hatred.

I for one am tired of bloggers lying, making up stories, hurting other people then crying victim.
Andrew is now crying victim and is looking to go after Ken, because Ken told the truth about Andrew’s lies. Truth is, Andrew cannot do anything about Ken. Why? Because people are free to comment on blogs, and they cannot be imprisoned, they cannot be fined, and Ken was not threatening Andrew.

I do hope someone sends the details, true details about what Andrew did to his father. Andrew claimed he told his father about what happened, and his father basically said Andrew should get them and give them hell. From what I know of Andre, I am 100% sure Andrew was not honest with his father and probably minimised the whole story and did not disclose what he did. If he was honest and his father said that, well, then they are both in need of some serious psychiatric help.