Saturday, July 25, 2015

Newest in from Jonathon aka Andrew

Hello readers,

I am sorry it has taken me this long to update, but I've been very busy that said I have been keeping up with what Jonathon has been up to.

It appears he never contacted Heather about stealing her pictures, nor did he explain why he actually labeled her with mental illness. That is even more worrying than him stealing her pictures. It is that he, without any sort of formal education in psychology or psychiatry and without knowing Heather intimately had the audacity to say she suffered from mental illness.

The Lori posts are still in existence on Jonathon's old blog which is only open to invited readers, but I've been told it hasn't been updated in a while.

For the last month or so Jonathon has been writing in his new blog in which he writes about "Laura" who according to Jonathon also suffers from some sort of behavioral or personality disorder. I do not believe that Laura exists, nor do I actually believe he had been on any dates with her. I'm convinced Jonathon simply likes the attention he gets from writing a blog, and thrives on lying to people so he can get whatever reactions he hopes for,

On his new blog he has again posted a picture of a woman, I'm certain the poor soul has no idea some dude is posting her picture for the world to see on his blog, and yet again labeling.

I wonder how Jonathon would feel if someone stole his pictures and made up stories about him?

From the comment section: 
Billy, you asked if the first post would be the only post on this blog. I don't plan on updating weekly as I do not have that kind of time, nor do I think Jonathon is that entertaining that we have to talk about every single move he makes. I think most things can be mentioned every now and then, it gives people a platform where they can post comments if they so wish freely and without censorship.

Ken, you mentioned what would happen once Jonathon's parents die. I do not know, I think Jonathon uses his diagnosis as a crutch at times, I also think he has been spoiled and at times is just plain lazy. It is easy to live life while other people bring you meals, help you with the shopping, and give you money. Years ago Jonathon used to volunteer and held a job. I'm of the opinion that volunteering would be very beneficial for him as it would allow him to do something other than play games, make up stories (which clearly occur out of boredom) and would give him a chance to challenge his social anxieties.

I do wonder why he has a bumpy relationship with his sister, perhaps she has seen through some of the excuses and isn't willing to baby him because everyone else clearly does.